• Click here for our online learning application (Seesaw)
    Below is a list of our procedures. 

    Absences:  If your child will be absent from school, please call the office appropriate to grade (elementary for K-6 and high school for 7-12) at 472-4520 or Mrs. Hansen at 472-4520 ext. 1058. Following your child’s absence, I may send make-up work home if there are assignments your child needs to complete. Recess time may be used for make-up work. If your child needs to leave school early for any reason, please send me a note informing me of the date and time. In those instances, you may pick up your child in the foyer. Your child will check out at the office and will be entrusted to you by waving at the office staff. 

    Allergies: Please let me know if your child has allergies.

    *There are known allergies to latex, paper tape, blue cheese, and corn in our classroom. Please be aware of this when sending items to school.

    Arrival: Students need to arrive as close to 8:00 a.m. as possible as this is the time they come into the building to start class. School starts at 8:05 a.m. Playground supervisors arrive at 7:30 a.m. Please do not drop your child off before this time, as all other teachers and supervisors may not be present until 7:50 a.m.

     Birthdays: All students will have a chance to celebrate their birthday in our classroom. I will send a note home regarding these special days. Your child may bring a special treat for the class on his or her birthday celebration day. They may also bring one show and tell item to share with the class. As per school policy, birthday party invitations may not be handed out at school.

    Behavior Management:  We will be using Boys Town strategies along with the school's PBIS strategies. 

    Character Counts: The elementary guidance program holds a monthly recognition of students who have demonstrated positive character traits throughout the month. One students from each classroom is selected and recognized during a monthly assembly. The students selected receive a t-shirt and are invited to a dinner or special event with Mrs. Stover. The six pillars of character are: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. For more information about the pillars, please visit: http://charactercounts.org/sixpillars.html

    Daily Communication: Communication is KEY for     success. Please remember to check for messages and return them each day. Communication between home and school is very important and beneficial for your child. Your child’s folder or binder may contain notes, homework, calendars, schedules, and other important information.  Please check these things each day!

    Dismissal: School is dismissed at 3:20 p.m. If your child’s after school plans differ from the usual routine, please send a signed note informing me of the change.

    E-mail: If you provide me with your e-mail address, I may e-mail reminders to you about upcoming activities. This is also one of the best ways to contact me with questions or concerns. Please keep in mind that I may not be able to check my e-mail until after school.

    Field Trips: We may have the opportunity to go on educational field trips throughout the year. You will be informed in advance of these trips, and I may ask for volunteers.

    Grading: Due to the variety of grade and need levels in our classroom, grading varies. Please let me know if you have questions about grading. Most children are given a letter grade based on the scale:

    90—100    A

    80—89     B

    70—79       C

    60—69       D

    59 & Below  F

    Homework: Part of learning is responsibility. Your child may have homework each day to help reinforce the skills they learn each day. However, this homework should take no more than 30 minutes each evening. It will be their   responsibility to complete this, and return to school.    Please guide them if you are able and contact me if you have questions.

    Independent Learner: One of my goals as a teacher is to work hard to help each child to become an independent reader, worker, and thinker.

    Journal: We will be doing many journal writing activities throughout the year.

    Kindness: My goal for our class is to create a community of learners where students show kindness and respect. We will work each day to keep our room a safe place where all students feel comfortable in order to develop these skills.

    Lunch: Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child. Check your child’s classroom schedule for time.

    Medicine: If your child needs to take medicine at school, it must be taken to the nurse in its original container. She will give you the necessary paperwork to complete. No medicine will be given to your child without signed permission. Cough drops may be sent with a written note, and can be kept in the classroom for your child to use as needed.

    Money: Money can be difficult for a child to keep track of. Please send any money in a sealed, labeled, envelope including your child’s name, amount enclosed, and the purpose of the money so that we may get it to the proper location/person.

    Notes are Needed: If there is a change in routine, if it is necessary for cough drops or other medicine, if your child must stay in for recess due to illness.

    Office: Sign in and out of the office when arriving at the school.

    Parties: We may have classroom parties to celebrate Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. I will plan activities, and may ask families to provide treats or beverages (if willing).

    Questions? Please contact me.

    Reading: Please read or have your child read to you 15 minutes each day.

    Reporting: I will send quarterly reports home regarding your child’s progress toward their IEP goals.

     Supplies: I am not including  a supply list as each child’s program is different. I may ask each family to provide items that would be necessary or helpful to your own child’s progress.

    Transportation: Please make sure I know if there is a change in mode of transportation for your child. For your child’s safety, I am not able to allow changes without parental notice. As of right now, if your child is riding a bus they must wear a mask. 

    Us: Together we can be a powerful team in your child’s education. I look forward to working with you! Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions and concerns.

    Visitors: As of right now, we are not allowing visitors in the school building to ensure everyone's safety. School policy has always required all guests to check in at the office. It is important to remember that even though this may seem like an inconvenience, it is our goal to create a safe school environment for your child.

    Weather:  Please send your child dressed for the weather. We will go outside for recess unless it is raining or it is too cold as determined by Administration. During winter months, students should have a hat, gloves, snow pants, boots, and a warm coat. If the student is not properly dressed, school policy states they will have to stand by the building and will not be allowed to play at recess. During warmer weather, children wearing flip flops are not allowed to run on the playground, play soccer, or kick ball, or play in the wood chip areas due to possible injuries, so please send your child in shoes appropriate to their playing preference. Please refer to the school handbook for more information regarding student dress.

    X-periences: I know that the students will have many fun and interesting learning experiences this year! I hope you’ll be able to join us for some of them!

    You: Remember that YOU are your child’s first and most important teacher.  Encourage learning and curiosity in all environments to help your child reach their fullest capability.

    Zzz’s: Please be sure your child gets plenty of sleep at night so that he or she is well rested and ready for the challenges that each day may hold.